
First, I’d like to thank TheSlayerSeries for nominating me for the Phoenix Blogger Award! I’ve never be nominated for any type of blogger award before!

What the award is about: 

The Phoenix Blogger Award is given to bloggers who have gone through challenges in life that changed them in some way for the better. I believe that this award can be given to anyone because we all go through many obstacles in life that we never thought we would go through. I believe that we as a community should give out this award to bloggers we know, have followed, and have been there with them during their individual journeys. We are all strong and have gone through trials in life, and we deserve to be acknowledged for our strength.

Here are the rules:

  1. Include the award image and what the award is about in your post.
  2. Choose one of the following:
    • answer questions that the nominator asked (if nominator didn’t ask questions, chose between the two below)
    • tell us, your audience, about how you overcame a challenge and how it changed you.
    • give advice to your audience about a topic you believe is relevant to your readers that would help them
  3. Nominate anywhere between 3-20 bloggers that you believe deserve this award/acknowledgement and link back to their blog.
  4. Thank the people who have nominated you for the award and link back to them.
  5. Follow the blogger who nominated you
  6. Link your nominees blogs and let them know
  7. Pass the rules onto them

My biggest life challenge to date was conquering depression. I was depressed for sevens years and have been free of it for about two years. It took a lot to dig myself out of it and find the brighter aspects in life. Life really is waiting on the other side of darkness. My goal is to share what it took to get myself out of a depressed mess and hopefully it’ll help others think that there is a better way out something that is temporary. So, this is what I’ve been doing, telling my story to other students in my college. There were many students who felt like they were alone in their fight. It made them feel better to know someone has already come through the darkness successfully.

My Dream Job

My dream job is to write books for a living. This is what I’m good at, writing. I write poetry, and short stories. I’m even attempting a memoir. I want to make a living at something I love and this is the best way to do it…besides baking, which is another passion of mine.

I would like to nominate the following:

1. aopinionatedman

2. obzervashunal

3. confessionsofamie

My questions are:

1. What (or who) do you love the most in your life and why?

2. What is the most rewarding act of kindness that you’ve done?

5 responses to “The Phoenix Blogger Award”

  1. Thanks for sharing! By the way the link in your post to my page doesn’t work… and I tried to click on two of the people you nominated and it didn’t work for me either, just wanted to let you know.


    1. cestlavieladypatience Avatar

      Thanks. I’ll try to fix it. Wonder why it isn’t working..


      1. No problem, it’s fixed now 🙂


  2. I appreciate the kind mention! Thanks for that. 🙂


    1. cestlavieladypatience Avatar

      You’re most welcome.


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